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California Daily Art

Tommy’s Joynt

Tommy’s Joynt

Acrylic on Canvas paper,

9″ x 12″  Sept. 21st, 2014


This is Mari and Alex’s one of the favorite place to eat in San francisco. I have been there many times also, and it is a San Francisco Landmark. I decided to paint it as their wedding gift. I thought that I could paint it in a few hours, but, it took me almost two days and I finished it in the nick of time (only an hour before the wedding). It was HOT off the press. After they opened it someone made  a comment that one day that painting will fetch enough money to buy it. I thought they were talking about buying a sandwich there. So I said hopefully at least enough to buy two (sandwiches) , but then they corrected me saying, enough to buy the place itself ! May their wish come true, someday!

Matheran Marathon

Matheran Marathon

Two days in Matheran in total solitude. All I did for two days was Paint, Eat, Sleep..Paint, Eat, Sleep… 17 paintings. It was a marathon in Matheran

Matheran Moon Dance

Matheran Moon Dance

16″ X 12″ | Acrylic on Paper 9/5/14

It was monsoon when I visited Matheran (hill-station near Mumbai) no moon was visible, only rain and fog. However I kept imagining full moon and what it would be like to dance in the full moon light, since it is closer to the moon being on a hill-station.

Narrow Gage To Matheran

Narrow Gage To Matheran

12″ x 16″ | Acrylics on Canvas | 9/4/2014

Train was closed for monsoon but the shuttle was running.

Jyoti Making Tea

Jyoti Making Tea

11″ X 14″ | Acrylics on Paper | 9/2/2014

My daily morning experience in Pune.